Who the f*** are Conjure.Finance (Founders)?

2 min readAug 19, 2021

A background to Us

Conjures a 2 man team. There are no VCs, no presale buyers, no marketing people, just 2 devs that like to build. We are self funded, self marketed, but we'd appreciate all the help. Who are these devs?

Pr0s a pseudonomous user for me (and many people who need to know my name do, just dont publicly post for security reasons, as should be the standard for Crypto tbh). First started messing around with BTC back in '11, mined my first BTC on a home PC, and always been highly focused on Crypto, first for being able to do international, instant, almost 0 fee payments then smart contracts. Started messing with ETH back during Homestead and never looked back. Studied Neuroscience 3y then went full time Crypto. Messed around with some side projects (some you can see @ keychain.me), cofounded Indexed.Finance and then went onto Conjure.

Jimmix (Mario)
Jimmix has a computer science background and was working in implementation consulting for over 10 years. Has had his first touch points with crypto in 2016, started with web3, smart contracts and the whole crypto tech stack in 2020. Did a few smaller projects but then decided to dedicate the time 100% towards crypto. Co-founded Conjure.Finance in early 2021 and working on the protocol since.

We are not Conjure

Ultimately we are a 0 BS 2 man team at the moment, looking for all the help we can get. We have self funded the whole project so far (70 ETH+) and developed the protocols mostly from scratch. So that’s us. But we aren’t Conjure. We believe in open protocols and have designed the protocol to be as permissionless, control minimised and open as possible, and we need help to make Conjure what we believe it can be. So join the Discord, be part of the team and earn your stake and CNJ.

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